
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Je suis fatigué

With another foot or more of snow falling today, I'm experiencing some moderate to severe winter fatigue along with thousands of others, but even I wouldn't go so far as to describe it this way.

We've lost power twice so far, but I made two pots of soup (potato and split pea) so we won't starve during the weather hell. Maybe we'll even make some grilled cheese sandwiches in the fireplace with the pie iron.

At least the birds are happy, and I will be also when the temperatures are in the 40s next week.


  1. . . . the winter of our discontent . . .

    (We aren't getting the snow. Because the lakes are frozen. But it is the eternal ice age and I am sick, Sick, SICK of sub-zero temperatures. Please. I say. Bring the warm-up.)

  2. oh no! I hate when the power goes out. My house is all electric so it's not fun. Supposedly the power company has "improved" their lines.....I'm skeptical about that. Good luck and one day spring will be here, promise.

  3. We had snow yesterday (more than they predicated, unfortunately) but the sun is shining today. It's not providing much in the way of warmth but it definitely cheers me up. Here's to a warming trend!

  4. I'm sending all of you sunshine and warmth! Wish I could bottle it up for you.

  5. it's Tuesday now, and I think a little warmer... please know you've been in my thoughts even when I haven't been here!


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