
Thursday, June 19, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow?

No silver bells or cockle shells, and if there were any pretty maids all in a row I would put them to work. But in only five weeks, the garden has grown from this:

To this!
We've enjoyed spinach and radishes so far, and I think the snow peas on the far left will be ready very soon. I'm hoping for a tomato or two five weeks from now!


  1. We had our first tomato, but it will be awhile before we get more (the first was a fluke). Radishes and spinach are finished and we're pulling out the lettuce, too. Time to think of onion and garlic harvest. Our peas are delicious! Enjoy!!

  2. so pretty and green...and it sounds delicious! happy eating!

  3. how cow! that is a great growing season you are sharing. Love your being writings of your post :)


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