Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 6/5/24

I'm happy to join Kat and the Unravelers today with more of my Hitch on the Move. I fear that it may look much the same from week to week, so I thought about ways to make my photos a bit more interesting. I love it when JoJo smiles and puts her paw on Kym's projects to show her approval, so I've attempted to recreate something similar. 

Here are my well-trained cats, Lizzy and Susi, posing with my HotM. All I had to do was call them over and they came and posed with my knitting to show their admiration. 

They posed nicely with the balls of yarn, without any playing or tomfoolery. They really do know how to behave nicely even if they may not have quite as much personality as JoJo. 

Beginning next Tuesday, I'm watching Nugget for a week and a half so I hope I can get her to pose as nicely with my knitting as Lizzy and Susi do. I'm also caring for the snakes and lizard that Justin and Jess have, so who knows what animals might appear in future knitting photos. 

I read three books last week but the reviews got a bit too long (maybe long-winded?) to include in this post. You can look for them in a post of their own tomorrow.

What are you making this week?  


  1. the best kind of cats!! Love the creative photo shoot of your beautiful shawl.

  2. Those are the most well-behaved cats I think I've ever seen! I will look forward to a possible Nugget cameo next week, though perhaps not one by the snakes.

  3. Such sweet, sweet kitties! JoJo says she'd love to meet them and maybe play with yarn together for a while. XO

  4. Those are the most adorable kitties ever! Sherman says he has a spot in his cozy bed for them to nap between rows as well! I am a bit leery of your knitting companions next week though... but I hope that Justin and Jess have a great vacation!

  5. You made me laugh with your little stuffed kitties!

    1. My neighbor was outside grilling dinner and I bet he wondered why I was kneeling in the lawn taking photos of stuffed animals. He didn't ask though!

  6. Oh my gosh, you made me laugh! Now I'm envisioning a knit for a snake. A simple tube top, perhaps?! (And your HotM looks great. I continue to love the 'electric' of the colors.)

    1. One of the snakes is a 12-foot boa so I'm pretty sure I won't be knitting anything for him. We'll see how these reptiles feel about posing with knitting (while in their tanks of course)!

  7. Oh, how cute are they?? Looking forward to next week!! haha!!

  8. Manageable cats, my favorite kind! Please tell me how you take care of lizards and snakes, I just couldn't do it, I don't think.

  9. I'm all in for animals posing with knitting! If only I could get Fred & George to cooperate!

  10. I love when pets pose with pretty much anything and look forward to all the different ways you'll get to feature Nugget next week! must admit - as much as I love your HotM progress - I really wondered about your stitching stand - does it work? Stands like that were popular with the needlepoint ladies who stitched at the yarn shop and the projects seem similar?!

  11. Those little kitties are just my speed - well behaved and unlikely to kick up my allergy to cat dander. They reminded me of Daniel Striped Tiger from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood - back in the day. The shawl is looking so pretty. I'm glad we got to see it.


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