
Monday, June 10, 2024

I Can Hear Clearly Now ...

I know the song is "I Can See Clearly Now" but my father used to sing "I can hear clearly now" (and my sister thought the next line was "I can see all icicles in my way").

But I have hearing aids now, so I've been singing about hearing clearly. Back in May, I went to my audiologist and not surprisingly, my hearing test showed mild-moderate hearing loss. 

Frequency (Hz) is on the x-axis and Hearing Level (dB) is on the y-axis.
Outside of the highlighted box is considered hearing loss.

I talked to the audiologist about hearing aids and was impressed but ... they started at $5500. My regular Medicare plan doesn't cover any of that, so I left without ordering hearing aids. That amount of money just isn't in my budget.

John got hearing aids about seven years ago when he was still working and his came from Costco. I decided to make an appointment there and see what I thought. The hearing test they performed showed the same results as the one from the audiologist, so I tried a sample pair of hearing aids. They worked, almost too well, as there was just a cacophony of carts clanging, people talking, cash registers beeping, and music in the background. I did decide to order hearing aids and have been wearing them for about a week.

And they're okay. They're rechargeable so I don't have to mess with batteries. I haven't had any problems inserting them. The first couple of days the sound of my clothing swishing and my hair rustling almost drove me nuts, but they are paired with an app on my phone and I remembered the specialist's instructions that I could turn them down if they seemed too loud. I've been using them turned down two clicks and that has helped with the background noise. I have a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks for some fine-tuning if necessary. Costco has a generous policy that allows me to return them within 180 days for a full refund if I'm not happy. I don't see myself taking them back, but it's still early days. My brain and I are still getting used to them. I have a family picnic to attend in a couple of weeks. There will be 30 people or more there with lots of young children, so I'm interested in hearing how well they work with multiple people and screaming kids. 

Ryan has nagged me for almost a year about how often I say "What?" and told me I really need to do something about my hearing. Justin doesn't even know I got hearing aids but he probably won't have much to say. The real test was when I wore them and visited Ryan last week. He knew I was getting them but didn't notice that I had them in. When I  was getting ready to leave, I asked Ryan if he had noticed how many times I had asked him to repeat himself. He thought for a minute, said "None" and looked more closely at my ears. He got a big smile on his face and congratulated me on doing something about my hearing. So did I just spend $1500 to show my kids that I love them and care about hearing what they have to say? You bet I did!


  1. This is an exciting development for you! I'm sure once your brain adjusts to hearing so many things it hasn't for a while, you'll be extremely happy. Are your hearing aids the fancy kind with Bluetooth?

  2. congratulations!! Hearing is so important. My dad resisted aids for the longest time and I vowed to get them as soon as I am eligible so as not to annoy my family.

  3. I am so happy for you, Bonny! Soon your brain will be used to those clothing/hair noises and tune them out... but they are sounds that you have not heard for a while, so your brain is excited! :) I was worried about our Zoom Book Club tomorrow night and Steve complaining about the noise, but I realized, I won't have to have it "turned way up" so I can hear! I don't think he will have any issues!

  4. I'm so happy for you, Bonny. I have been wearing hearing aids for about 10 years now, and they have been such a wonderful thing for me. It does take some getting used to - but now, I can't imagine life without them! And it's so much better for your brain health . . . to be able to hear all those everyday-sounds again. The cacophony . . . not so much. But even that will get better with time. (I just wish they weren't so dang expensive. . . )

  5. The Mister and I shout at each other all day. Neither one of us can hear well anymore but we're too lazy and cheap to do anything about it. It makes for some interesting conversations. We mishear each other all day long which leads to big laughs.

    1. I got tired of our dinnertime conversations consisting of "What?" and "Huh?" My husband rarely wears his if he's "just at home with me" but that's his issue. I like hearing (especially the birds and the breeze)!

  6. What a beautiful end to a victorious post! Congratulations on taking the leap. And on embracing the challenge, the transition time, the possibility.
    We're big Costco fans here. I'm thrilled to hear they offer a way more affordable option--and that, like everything else from Costco, you can return them!
    I'll be curious how the family picnic plays out in your ears.
    Congrats, again. Your close to this post really choked up me up.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! My MiL resisted hearing aids for 10 years or more and then she rarely wore them once she got them. The whole family felt like she didn't care about us enough to hear what we were saying and I think she must have felt isolated because she couldn't/didn't participate in any conversations. I promised I wouldn't do that to my kids and I'm glad I kept my promise. I like hearing!

  7. Good for you! I'm pretty certain hearing aids are in my future, too, but maybe not quite yet. Do you know why the Costco ones are so much less expensive than the others? Is it just because it's Costco or are there features that are different as well?

  8. YAY Bonny!! I know you say you did it for others, but I'm thinking you did it just a little bit for you, too. The world is full of beautiful noise, and you should be able to hear all of it (or at least all of it that you want to...)

  9. Hooray for you. Think of all the bird song and beautiful voices of your family that you will now hear more clearly. My husband has had good luck with the hearing aids from Costco. The audiologist is very competent and responsive. I hope your experience is similar.

  10. My brother just got a set like these. He doesn't like them because of background noise, and he says things sound "echoey". He has been very HOH for a long time, so I have encouraged him to see if he can get used to them. He says there are lots of things he really doesn't want to hear, and I don't blame him for that! I hope you have good luck adjusting to them, Bonny.

  11. Yay Bonny! I've had similar hearing aids for several months... not sure I REALLY needed them yet, but am paranoid about waiting too long because my mother did & that was awful. I don't wear them all the time but it's great to know that I have them when I need them. Similar style as yours, different brand that is also available at Costco, I believe, because I can't spend multiple thousands, either!


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