Monday, May 6, 2024

A Nugget Retrospective

Justin & Jess were only gone for six days so my Nugget-sitting time came to an end last week. I've missed scratching her ears, giving her extra treats, and sitting with her while she purred loudly. I don't miss cleaning her litterbox, but that's still an important part of responsible cat ownership. Since cat-sitting her may have been the most enjoyable thing I've done recently, I'm here to share a few photos. Justin texted me when they were in the airport on their way out and said, "Don't hesitate to send pictures of Nugget whenever you visit her." I thought this was sweet, so I made sure to take plenty of photos. If adorable cat pictures aren't your thing, we will return to some (less cute) knitting and reading content at a later date. 


  1. Nugget is a real sweetie! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nugget is beautiful! I'm so glad you enjoyed your cat sitting time.

  3. what a sweetheart!!! My sister takes care of Holly when we are adventuring but she never comes out from under the bed for a photo shoot.

  4. Such a sweet, sweet little Nugget! When Brian and Lauren lived a little closer, I used to do some cat-sitting for their cat, Chandler. It's so nice to have a purring cat to sit with now and then. I'm so glad you had fun with Nugget - and that you shared the experience with us. XO

  5. What a little sweetheart! I love her view from her bed! (and I love that they wanted photos of Nugget while they were away!)

  6. Her sweet face looks so much like my recently departed Mommy Kitty's. Even that expression is similar. I always took it for curiosity mixed with a bit of disdain.

    1. That's exactly what I read into Nugget's expressions!

  7. Nugget looks like a real sweetie! I'm so glad you enjoyed spending time with her.

  8. Aw. She looks like she has some favorite spots!!

  9. I'd say Jess & Justin are fortunate to have you close at hand ... thank you for sharing a bit of "Nugget-cam"! (when are YOU getting a cat?!)

  10. I can almost see Nugget's paws making biscuits on that shaggy bed. What a sweetie!


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