
Friday, March 29, 2024

Someone I Could Feel Good Voting For?

You've probably seen this, but I can't help feeling a little bit of hope about this story. I definitely don't, can't, and never will support Trump, but I also think it just might be time for Biden to leave the political arena, even though he is clearly more sane and principled than his opponent. So who to vote for? Literally Anybody Else. 

This story tells us about the Texas teacher who legally changed his name to Literally Anybody Else because he was unhappy with the candidates for President. Chances are that his name will not even appear on the TX primary ballot because an independent candidate needs to obtain the signatures of 113,151 registered voters who did not vote in the presidential primary of either party. That is an oddly specific number but it's also a very high bar to meet. 

But Mr. Else has given enough thought to his candidacy to put his policies on his website. I would love to support a candidate who would work for quality healthcare for every American, improving education for tomorrow, housing affordability for all, and securing our borders responsibly by promoting "legal immigration pathways while simultaneously fortifying border security to deter criminal elements." These items along with his other policies are things that I would like to think all of us want. 

"For too long have Americans been a victim of its political parties putting party loyalty over governance. Together let's send the message to Washington and say, “You will represent the people or be replaced.” America should not be stuck choosing between the “King of Debt” (his self-declaration) and an 81-year-old. Literally Anybody Else isn’t a just a person, it’s a rally cry."

I may be putting this bumper sticker on my car:

This is all slightly amusing but it's also sad and serious. (You have to laugh so you don't cry.)


  1. I had not heard of Literally Anybody Else! You are correct - you have to laugh so that you don't cry. A sad state of affairs for sure.

  2. Oy vey! I'm not sure that legally changing your name really does anything about the problem, though it is good for a laugh! I was talking about the election with my parents recently, and we wondered if maybe an interesting plan hadn't been discussed by Democrats -- getting Biden reelected, then him resigning so that Kamala Harris becomes president. (I would also like an alternative to Biden, but voting for anyone else just helps the orange man, if you ask me.)

  3. I'm ridin with Biden and not just because I can't abide the other one. I think Biden has done a LOT of good and for some weird reason that messaging doesn't get amplified. I also recognize, as someone who has been elected to hold office (even though it's on a super small scale) that it's easy to have big ideas and big dreams but putting those ideas and dreams into actually policy and plans is much harder to do.

    1. 100% agree. I can't abide these people telling me Biden is too old, or over the hill, or whatever. Not a thing wrong with that man's mind and any hesitation about voting for him is as good as putting the Orange Menace back into the Oval. Biden has accomplished so much and the only thing stopping him from doing more is the GOP, happy to get on their knees for TFG.

  4. Like Carole, I am a very happy Biden/Harris supporter! That list from Mr. Else... well, almost every one of those things is something that Joe and Kamala have DONE! They have gotten a massive infrastructure bill passed, they *had* a bipartisan border bill that would have made huge improvements, they have begun the work of negotiating drug prices, they have supported union workers over corporate bosses, they are working diligently on the student debt issue, and they are the ONLY candidates that support a woman's right to choose! I look at Joe very much like "my grandpa" the person who, yes, might at times make a gaff... but he is the person I would go to when I had a problem because his wisdom, empathy, and knowledge are what is needed to make tough decisions! I say absolutely NO to "Literally Anybody Else" especially when democracy is in the balance.

  5. Oh my. The bumper sticker makes me smile. You are so right, we have to laugh or we would cry.

  6. "I would love to support a candidate who would work for quality healthcare for every American, improving education for tomorrow, housing affordability for all, and securing our borders responsibly by promoting "legal immigration pathways while simultaneously fortifying border security to deter criminal elements."" Wait-- you want all that and you have a moment's hesitation about supporting Biden, the only candidate running who also wants all that? What?
