
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 2/7/24

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers on this first Wednesday in February with a finally finished Funfetti Hitchhiker!

I was excited to get it done, blocked, and be able to wear it.

All of the cheerful colors make me happy and it goes with almost everything.

I enjoyed the knitting so much that I used two full skeins of Marianthi Yarns sock yarn in Kaleidoscope (but it will always be Funfetti to me). I kept knitting until I didn't have enough yarn for even one more tooth, so it's my largest Hitchhiker so far at 59 teeth. It's possibly also my favorite (so far, and having an excuse to make a cake was pretty nice, too).

I didn't finish any books this week but have been reading The Poisonwood Bible for our Read With Us discussion on March 19th. I've also been working on a couple of books from NetGalley, Real Americans, and The Bright Sword. Thankfully, they're all different enough that I can keep them straight. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. That Funfetti Hitchhiker is gorgeous and more than enough of a reason to make a celebratory cake!

    I've also got Real Americans in my queue to read (along with one other title from NetGalley), but at the moment I'm reading In Memoriam.

  2. I love the hitchhiker. Motivates me to do another one. I especially like the yarn over(?) rows.

    1. Yes, they are yarn over rows and they helped keep me from getting too tired of the miles of garter stitch.

  3. beautiful!! I love how you paired a fun cake with a beautiful shawl. I celebrate with you!!

  4. Perfection, Bonny! I love it! It is just a delightful knit! Any time that knits can have a baked companion... I am all in!

    I want to read Real Americans, so I am eager to hear your thoughts!

  5. I want cake NOW!!!! Guess I will settle for half a bagel since it's 8 a.m. and I have no cake in the house. That is such a fabulous hitchhiker Bonny. I bet those last rows were SO LONG though. I always get bored with a hitchhiker about half-way through.

  6. The Funfetti scarf reminds me of spring and should pair will with any spring top you choose. It also pairs well with your sprinkles cake!

  7. Well now. Clearly what that hitchhiker really goes with is funfetti cake! They both look yummy!

  8. That's a great way to celebrate a great finish!!! Hitchhiker is such a great pattern but it does seem to go on forever.

    1. I don't know why it was different this time, but I was enjoying the yarn and pattern enough that it didn't feel like a slog!

  9. I love this latest Hitchhiker. That yarn looks so Springy but it will be fun to wear any time of the year. You and the hitchhiker are delightful together. The cake looks delicious. It's the perfect photo prop and I bet it was perfect for snacking.

  10. I love it, Bonny! I hope it has made you smile while you were making it as much as it has made me smile every time I see a picture of it. And cake!

  11. I LOVE your Funfetti Hitchhiker, Bonny, and I can see why it's your favorite! It's luscious-looking, long enough for a really good wrap-around, and . . . it goes well with cake! Nicely done!!! XO

  12. Several on the link up seem to be reading or listening to The PW Bible. I’m wondering if it’s the same online bookclub?

    1. Yes, it's our online bookclub, Read With Us. You can read more details here: https://highlyreasonable.blogspot.com/2024/02/read-with-us-poisonwood-bible.html

  13. I LOVE the Funfetti ... Hitchhiker and cake!! This might be my favorite, too.

  14. I love it! And now I want cake! (Who could read this post and NOT want cake?!) Congrats on the finish -- and it looks just beautiful, especially wrapped around you.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! There is rarely a time when I don't want cake, especially if I can eat it while I'm wearing a Hitchhiker.


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