
Friday, August 16, 2019

The View From Here

This is the view from my kitchen window, looking over the ivy-covered fence toward my neighbors' house.

It's tough to read, even enlarged, but they've written "Change is Good" on a slate. It's gotten a little faded from recent rain, but I see this five or six times a day when I'm at the kitchen sink. I've thought about it a lot - Why would they choose to hang this directly in my sight line? Why did they write this statement on it? And is change really good?

Whatever the reasons, as someone who is resistant to change, just seeing this sign has made me think about change quite a bit. There are signs of it as summer slowly winds down, but I think it's more than that. I'm not sure what forms it might take, but stay tuned  as I read the writing on the wall and take heed.


  1. This could be interesting...and, if over time the message fades, will it be replaced with a different one? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. I'm hoping there's a ghost who is writing lovely messages to you.

    1. Now that's an interesting thought! I'll let you know what the next message says!

  3. I agree... change is good! Messages in the wild are fun - and I can't wait to see where this message takes you and inspires you!

  4. I understand how stressful change can be, but sometimes it definitely is a good thing. Perhaps this is the universe's way of reminding you?

  5. Maybe it's a statement from the slate shingle itself. It was once on a roof and now lives elsewhere. Change is good. ??

  6. I'm not a fan of change . . . but I know it can be good.

  7. Interesting position for a sign. I wonder if they even considered that you would be reading it daily. A wise person once said to me that change means movement and that movement is necessary to life. I don't know that that idea makes change any easier but something I try to consider.

  8. I only like change when I seek it, however I like the idea of believing I'd like more change. I love the slate and I can read the message.

  9. Since I've been through many changes that I've not wanted and I have learned nothing is more constant than change, I try to embrace change whether it is foisted upon me or whether I've made a the choice. Sometimes, I admit, it's not as gracefully as I'd like.

  10. Oh my, this is kind of funny. Have there been other things written upon the slate, or is it an altogether new feature?? Is it positioned in a way that they easily view it, or is that a door that's frequently used??

    I believe that sometimes change is good... it depends. So there. Ha!


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