
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday with an (imaginary) FO and some wonderful new yarn I can't wait to cast on.

It looks like the five hours I spent at the Subaru dealership this morning getting my explosive, shrapnel-containing, death-dealing airbag replaced wasn't quite enough time. I had imagined finishing the ribbing on my Sockhead Cowl, coming home to take a picture, and casting on something new, but that didn't quite happen. So please imagine another two inches added to the top ribbing and let's finally call this one finished. 

Because my knitting mojo has returned, and I have some great new yarn to cast on. I purchased these at The Loopy Ewe and was quite happy to see them there. They were available on the website for about 10 minutes before they sold out, but luckily there were several available when I visited in person so I quickly grabbed a couple.

They are Wollmeise gradient sock blanks, but in my case the green one is going to be a Hitchhiker blank for Ryan. I think I'll try knitting directly from it as I unravel, and hope that I don't have to unravel and soak to get the kinks out. That will just slow me down!

I'm listening to Miracle Creek (very good so far) and just downloaded a pre-publication copy of Inland from Netgalley. It will be a difficult choice deciding which one to read first. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Your yarns are lovely...soooo happy you got them *and * your mojo back! No fun sitting at a car dealership - I did last Fri -for naught; only to learn I need a new fuel pump. Deciding now: Fix or get a new car?

  2. I just love the blue of your sockhead cowl. And you are almost finished (I am imagining it finished this very moment!!). I've never seen those sock blanks - will be interesting to see how they knit up. The greens are so Spring-like - will make a gorgeous Hitchhiker. Miracle Creek looks really good!! Glad your mojo is back (knitting AND reading).

  3. You finished your cowl! Yes! oh those gradient sock blanks look like aton of fun. But if it is kinky, please pass it on. I don't think i'd play with then. I finished The Day the World Came to Town and I loved it. Back to baseball and knitting and Oklahoma Thunder games on tv. Thunder up.

    1. I'm glad you're able to imagine my cowl as finished! In reality it will be done tonight or tomorrow, but I'm not boring people with yet another blog post about it!

  4. Those Wollmeisen Rolls are gorgeous! Good snag! (And, I love imagined finished knits - this should totally be a thing!)

  5. I find the car dealership the most annoying place I go. I hope you don't. Your sockhead is finished for all practical purposes, so sure, it's finished! I am going to ask something dumb, but ask it nevertheless. I don't understand sock blanks. What is the advantage? 'Splain, please. They are gorgeous, and I am so pleased to hear you have your mojo back. If you find mine, let me know. ;)

  6. I love all the colors in these photos! Personally, I have knit a number of things without unkinking the yarn and had no problems. YMMV. It depends on how long the thing was knit. But it seems to me that a good soak and block of the FO would take care of any problems. Good luck!

  7. I've seen several people knit with the yarn, even though it's kinky. Their work looked good. I would read Inland! I'm envious you have a copy and I hope it's great!

  8. Car dealerships are not the most fun place to spend time. Good thing you are a knitter. I am imagining that cowl finished. The sock blanks look like fun. So glad you have recovered your knitting mojo. Sometimes it takes a break.

  9. You're so close to finishing! In fact, I'm guessing that since I'm commenting almost a day after you posted this, it's probably done by now!

  10. Go Bonny Go (I'm sure that sockhead cowl is done now!) ... I'm always intrigued by sock blanks, but have yet to try one. Looking forward to seeing how it knits up!

  11. Ooooo! I'm excited to see how that sock-blank thing goes! I've never tried one before, but always have been intrigued. And I'm super jealous . . . first, that you nabbed a pre-publication copy of Inland, and second, that you got your airbag fixed already! When I called to take care of my own explosive, shrapnel-containing, death-dealing airbag . . . the soonest appointment I could get was in JULY. (I'm driving a ticking time bomb until then. . . )

  12. can't wait to see what you think of knitting from blanks, I've never done so. It's going to be so pretty!!


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