
Friday, February 16, 2018

Good/Not So Good

If I use the "Popcorn" button, it warms things up for two minutes, and then the best part -- 
my microwave tells me to "EnJOY". That's Good!

I love blood oranges and I like Diet Coke, so how bad could this taste?
Well, it doesn't taste like blood oranges or Diet Coke, so Not So Good.

I got this Severe Weather Alert on Feb. 6. Usually these are for snow, freezing rain, high wind, etc., but this one informed me that there was no tsunami threat along the east coast. Yes, I live in NJ, but am about 75 miles from the coast. It made me laugh, and I am glad that there was no tsunami headed our way. That's Good!

We have a friend that has been brewing his own cider and we've been the lucky recipients of some of his experiments. The already empty bottle of apple-grape, and the pear and ginger-apple I've polished off since I took the picture were all Quite Good. That just leaves the brown bottle of garlic-apple cider. I'll admit it sounds like it might be Not So Good, but I think I'll taste it this weekend and then maybe cook it down in some spaghetti sauce if it's a little too experimental for me. I will be seeing this friend next week, returning the empties, and it would be Very Good if he kindly offered some refills.

I hope your weekend is filled with lots of Good!


  1. FUN post! I bet the garlic apple cider would be great used to cook a pork roast.

  2. I wondered about the "flavored" Coke drinks. I think I'll just . . . leave them on the shelf! (Thanks for the tip.) I'll be eager to hear how the garlic apple cider turns out.

  3. What a friendly microwave you have! :-)

  4. Ooo! What a lovely friend! My daughter also said those diet coke flavors are horrid, she loves cherry coke but said that it left much to be desired! lol Have a good weekend!

  5. I'm with Carole, I bet the garlic apple cider would be great for cooking a pork butt or roast. I use apple cider to cook them in the oven sometimes. You have a good friend to share experiments with you. I wish any my appliances would be gentle and kind with me. You have to take good vibes where you can get them! I hope you have a great Friday and a fabulous GOOD weekend, Bonny.

    1. I think the pork roast in apple garlic cider is a great idea, so that's what's for dinner tomorrow, with a report on Monday! My family laughs at me because I use the popcorn button any time I can, but that little "EnJOY" just makes my day. Happy Weekend to you, Becky!

  6. Happy weekend Bonny! Home brewed cider sounds wonderful...and I agree that the garlic apple cider would be a great addition to a pork roast EnJOY your weekend!!

    PS your weather alert is so funny!

  7. That home brewed cider sounds wonderful and the apple-garlic makes me curious. I recently had some chicken-apple-garlic sausage and it was delicious! Hope your weekend is all good!

  8. Thank you for testing the blood orange diet coke for me! I will take a pass, even though those are two of my most favorite things.

    1. It tasted truly awful and was a big disappointment, imho. A friend tried the "Twisted Mango" flavor and said not only did it taste terrible, it also felt like it burned her throat. Plus the cans are now skinny and don't fit well in a cup holder. :-(

  9. ENjoy is so CUTE!!! I think your idea for cooking down the beer is genius

    1. I was concerned that the apple-garlic cider might add an oddly sweet taste if I tried to use it in spaghetti sauce, but Carole suggested it might be good with a pork roast. That's what I'm making for dinner tomorrow night, and I'll report on the results on Monday.

  10. Hmmm...blood orange good, diet coke okay, the combo sounds terrible! :-) I'm sorry you've got all those cans remaining! I'm hoping for lots of good this weekend! Out to eat Saturday and hopefully seeing 3 Billboards on Sunday!

  11. my microwave does not wish me to enjoy my popcorn...bummer. I will be surprised if we get the snow they think we will get tonight. However, it will give me another excuse to wear wool!

  12. A microwave button that says to Enjoy would be my favorite button to use, too. I'll be waiting to hear how your pork roast turns out. I'm thinking of making one for guests later this month (although I will not have your friend's cider to help mine out).

  13. The key to a blog post is photos ;-) I must admit I winced about the garlic cider, but thinking about your spaghetti sauce made me smile again. Hope YOUR weekend was full of good, too!

  14. Haha. Even Cherry Coke is a stretch for me... YUCK!
    Garlic-Apple... did you try it!! Can't wait to hear your report.


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