
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday.

I'm still knitting monogamously on my Faded Tardis Hitchhiker; hopefully giving it plenty of attention will ensure that I actually finish it someday in the nearish future.

My reading has been a little more scattered as I've been trying to catch up with too many books from Overdrive showing up all at once. Over the past week I finished Little Fires Everywhere and The Red House Mystery. Is anyone else surprised to find that A.A. Milne wrote a mystery? I was, but I also think he was smart to write only one and move on to Winnie-the-Pooh. I also started listening to What Happened, and am currently reading Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine. What Happened is great in parts, but I've also been glad to have Eleanor Oliphant on my Kindle for a break from Hillary. For some reason I was under the mistaken impression that Eleanor was similar to Don Tillman in The Rosie Project, a quirky character somewhere along the autism spectrum, but I don't think that is the case at all. I'm only on chapter 11, but there seems to be something darker happening, and both the story and the characters are compelling enough to make this a book I want to keep reading to see what's going on.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. SO many books I want to read right now and my reading time is severely curtailed by things like work! I am reading The Glass House and loving it and knitting a hat for the baby.

  2. Things I love about Wednesdays - how you are progressing on your Hitchhiker-du-jour, AND, what have you read or are you reading! Each week I add something new to my every growing reading list! And, no... I had no idea that Milne wrote a mystery, but I will be searching at the library for it soon!

    I started the EPIC 4321...(880 pages is epic in my book!) But 1 chapter in and I am enthralled!

    My knitting is not as epic this week, but that is okay because sometimes the books just have to shine!

  3. Eleanor is on my list too. And that yarn is beautiful.

  4. my reading is scattered but that's life these days. lovely lovely blue yarn :)

  5. When I read Eleanor O. I had no idea what it was about and it completely flipped me, I agreed with her responses/reactions on many occasions and then empathized with the others. Really like it. So, now I am on "Pachinko" by Min Lin Jee and "Never Let Me Go" by K. Ishiguro plus audio "Hunger" by Roxanne Gay (not sure about this one) -- all recently from the library. Sometimes my library is full of nothing and then a glut, go figure.
    My knitting, very quiet I wish it would get going. I am quietly disheartened with my slowness, but the cooler knitting weather is coming.
    That blue is still striking every time you show it.

    1. Eleanor is certainly an intriguing character and I hope to finish the book today. I think that's how my reading goes also - feast or famine. Cooler weather and more time indoors will certainly mean more knitting time (or at least that's what I'm hoping for)!

  6. A lull has hit my knitting/reading world. This week has been too busy to put much thought into either, but since the weekend is set to be a knitting retreat weekend I had better get things sorted. I read The Red House Mystery and was disappointed. Milne did make up for it with Winnie the Pooh.

  7. I finally finished my TTL mystery shawl last week, but I still have to block it. I'm working on a shawl for my niece & hope to have it done for Christmas...I'm about halfway there! It's very hot & humid here with temps in the 90s, so I am not knitting very much.
    I started reading What Happened last night and am liking it so far. Eleanor O sounds interesting, maybe I'll add that to my long to read list!

  8. Your shawl yarn is so beautiful. I have yet to knit with a gradient yarn but it is on my list of 2017 goals

    1. Thank you! I just wish I was a faster knitter so I could begin to see how the gradient looks in the Hitchhiker instead of just admiring it in the cake!

  9. Love that yarn! Such a pretty fading blue.

  10. I've got two sweaters going. One easy, one hard. The reading has stalled and I am listening to Harry Potter #4...not sure I'm going to make it to #7...we'll see! I love the looks of that Hitchhiker and admire your monogamy!

  11. Your hitchhiker is going to be lovely; try to enjoy the process of just looking at that lovely yarn! I haven't had too many projects where I loved the yarn, loved the process, and loved the finished item all equally. My knitting has stalled, but that's ok. It's really hot here, and it's hard to sit with yarn in my lap. Reading is another story. All the books that I requested in June are becoming available. I just picked up The Long Drop, Forest Dark, Sulfur Springs, and Cuban Affair. I doubt that I will read all of them, but I wanted to at least sample all of them. I am greedy guts when it comes to books. You can never read too many.

    1. You make a very good point! I do love the yarn, the pattern, and the process, so I need to take time to enjoy all of them and not fuss so much about finishing. Thank you! I'm especially interested in what you think of Forest Dark (if you read that one). I think I've got 52 people ahead of me in the hold queue!

  12. I just started reading "Little Fires Everywhere".... so far, so good...
    Knitting - so many projects started. I will eventually make another Hitchhiker, but want to do it in a DK weight this time around.

    Linda in VA

  13. I saw Rachel Maddow's interview with Hillary last week...eventually I plan to read the book...not sure I am ready. So, A.A. Milne also wrote a mystery! Interesting...

  14. The yarn looks lovely and so does the Hitchhiker. Enjoy.

  15. I'm about to start reading my book group's next monthly selection . . . The Rosie Project. (Yeah. I know.) I'm also reading Home Fire -- and just about to get bombarded by Overdrive selections (I'm "next in line" on about 5 books; how does that even happen????).

  16. I'm on the hold list for Eleanor and looking forward to it. And I hear you about Overdrive. I had five audiobooks come up recently and had to send two of them back unlistened to!


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