Monday, March 15, 2021

At Last!

I've wanted to see something blooming for quite a while now. I have a few leftover Christmas cactus blossoms, and I bought a miniature rose at the grocery store just for the flowers. But after several days of warm temperatures last week, I finally got my wish. 

Crocus just coming up (alongside a squirrel-chewed antler)

Crocus in an ivy bed (that needs to be cleaned out)

Crocus at the base of our big oak tree

Close-up crocus

And a little bunch of snowdrops

We're back to more seasonable temperatures now, but that's okay. I've seen the signs that spring is definitely on the way, and I have a snowdrop on my windowsill to remind me.


  1. Such pretty shots Bonny! A squirrel-chewed antler...interesting!! I didn't realize that snowdrops would work as cut flowers - nice!

  2. Beautiful! Our crocus finally appeared last week, too. And I found a teeny clump of snow drops as well.

  3. Beautiful! I also saw some little crocus and even a few daffodils out in bloom when I went for my walk last night. Spring is definitely on the way - after a few more snow storms. ;-) Have a great week. What is your next book for your virtual book club?

  4. I saw one crocus flower open late last week, and then the next day I saw dozens -- almost like someone flipped a switch on spring overnight! It's so encouraging, even if it's cold again here today.

  5. Beautiful shots, Bonny! Thank you for letting me know I should be cutting my little snowdrops!

  6. I have the song 'at last' running in my head now, thanks! I have a few crocuses blooming in the front yard and we saw snowdrops on our walk during the weekend, spring is coming!!

  7. Maybe you can hear my sighs all the way through your computer??? I'm so happy to see your lovely crocus blooms! I have a few trying to bloom in my garden. . . but I also have snow in the forecast for today, so it may still be awhile. I'll just enjoy yours for now! XO

  8. Oh, so pretty!! It feels so good to be getting closer to spring and warm weather. I have tulips coming up (leaves only), and soon (I hope) our whole hillside will be covered with snowdrops!

  9. There is no better spring tonic than real evidence that spring is on the way. Your blooms are lovely, Bonny. It has been warm and balmy here for a few days, but colder temps are coming back. One of my camellias is in full bloom and is absolutely covered with blooms. It is most uplifting! I just finished The Four Winds, and I highly recommend it. It is heart-wrenching, but hopeful, and a story about a strong woman who perseveres in unbelievably hard times. I thought it was very well-written.

  10. Lovely! There is nothing blooming here yet and I think the squirrels got most of my crocus. My daffodils are about and inch high.

    1. Spring always comes, but the crocus and snowdrops seemed to be later than usual this year (and I was impatient, too)! I hope the squirrels stay away from the daffodils.

  11. Excellent news! May your good fortune come our way soon! :-)

  12. oh I am SO HAPPY you're seeing some signs of spring! and love all the crocus spread around your yard!

  13. So bright and beautiful, enjoy!

    1. It is so nice to see real evidence of spring (even if our temperature was 23 degrees this morning)!

  14. I have crocus coming up but no blossoms. They just don't do well in my garden, but the snowdrops are amazing and I want to fill my bed with them so that next year there are dozens more!

  15. So beautiful!
    We have 4 inches of fresh snow!

    1. Spring snow often melts fast, and here's hoping that's what happens for you!

  16. Lovely Crocus! Mine are not so far along.

    Thought you might like this New Yorker article about Sarah Moss' writing:

    1. Thank you, Valerie! You are actually the third person to let me know about that article, and I welcome all opportunities to read more about Sarah Moss and her writing.

  17. Oh man - those blooms just warm "the cockles of my heart" as my grandmother used to say. Just a few hopeful signs of Spring make so much difference. The lavenders and purples are so striking and a bright bit of color these days.


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