Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Looking for Balance ...

... in books.

I'm focusing on balance this year, and thought I'd do a little catch-up on my efforts. So far I've added more poetry, gratitude, mindfulness, meditation, and just plain breathing to my life. As a reader, I've always felt that many answers lie in books, so this month I'm reading a few, specifically about balance.

I've just started listening to Balance by Suzie Doscher. The subtitle explains why I chose it: Finding Balance During Life's Difficult Moments. That seems to be exactly when I most need to remember balance and not let myself get way out of whack. Both of my kids have issues, and I have my own, so I've spent recent days worrying and playing that dangerous game - "what if?" This is the thought process where I head down the road of doom and gloom, imagining all kinds of not-delightful outcomes for myself and those I love and care about. So far, this book seems to be helping me with new ways to view things and the skills to see things differently.

Next on my list is Finding Your Emotional Balance by Merry Noel Miller. The author states that "women are busy trying to keep everyone happy while taking care of parents, spouses, and children. Sometimes, doing it all is doing too much." That sounds like my story for the past several years, so I'm looking forward to seeing what words of wisdom I might find here. 

I'll post reviews after I finish these and let you know if my abilities to balance various aspects of my life are continuing to improve. If you have any other suggestions for reading material, I'd love to hear them. Websites, articles, even fiction that includes balance as a theme are all welcome!


  1. You know I believe in books completely when it comes to inspiration and growth. I hope the ones you are reading now are helpful in your journey to find balance.

  2. I agree with Carole -- books can be a great source of inspiration for me and often inspire a lot of deep thinking, so I'm hoping that these two do just that for you and your search for balance.

  3. These sound wonderful! I am excited to read your reviews - but more than that, I hope these books give you new ways of looking at life!

  4. I don't have any suggestions for you Bonny, but I hope you find good nuggets in each of these books and I'll look forward to your reviews. Like others above, I fully believe in books being able to help/inspire/motivate/etc.

  5. I can't imagine what it would be like to have children in my life, to be constantly in/on my mind, to bring worry and angst, but joy and love, too.

  6. There is a quote I find particularly applicable for my mom-life . . . "A mother is only as happy as her least happy child." (Can't recall who said it first, but I've seen it in multiple places.) So true, so true -- no matter the age/stage of the child. Anyway, those books look interesting -- and helpful, too. Happy reading/balancing, Bonny! XO

  7. Awww...we say sort of the same thing...if your kid's not happy, you're not happy. It's hard. I hope that these books send some inspiration and guidance to help balance your mind and your soul my friend.

  8. I think the media and the nature of modern life make it difficult to maintain perspective about things. A book that counters this is Factfulness, which I dip into occasionally. I am not a mother, but I will say that I am sure you and your husband have done all you can to give your sons the character and skill to navigate their lives, and that is ultimately what they will have to do. Unfortunately, you cannot do it for them. You have to trust that they will be ultimately successful. I get an email every day from the Daily Stoic, and I find they help me with balance. I hope you find inspiration and perspective in your readings and in your thoughts. Hang in there, Bonny, it's all about the journey!

  9. Adding these two to my list, also! We are bombarded with such disruptive behaviors these days. Balance is sorely needed.

  10. Great topic. HOW TO STOP SCREWING YOURSELF By Mel Robbins on TED TALKS . I listened to it today. Interesting.
    I like Jen Hatmakers book of MESS AND MOXIE!! shes funny and spot on

  11. I am with you - I generally think I can find a book to help me with most anything. I don't have any suggestions but hope you find some interesting thoughts in the above list. That "what If" can be a deep rabbit hole. Sometimes it is just plain impossible to avoid. Sometimes I tell myself - for this minute - right now - everyone is safe and then I breathe.

  12. I do like self help books but haven't read much lately, I await your reviews!! I like trying my best to put balance in my life but I'm working with what I already know. Outside help could be advantageous.


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