Thursday, February 9, 2017

Think Write Thursday

The Think Write Thursday prompt for today is to write a love letter. It could be a letter to a person, an idea, a project, a dream, a wish, a relative, a famous person, an ancestor or anything (or anyone) else you can think of.

Of course I love my husband, my kids, and my family, but my letter is addressed to some things that hold a very dear place in my heart right now ...

Dear Augmentin, Albuterol, and Codeine, 

Since all three of you are so important in my life right now, I just can't choose between you, and want to proclaim my deep and sincere love for each and every one of you. After feeling awful for 11 days, I finally went to the doctor, and once she and a chest x-ray diagnosed pneumonia, you entered my life with brilliant rays of sunshine and an angelic chorus, and made it so much better. 

Augmentin, I had high hopes for you from the first, and you did not let me down. After just a few doses, you began to help with my fever, chills, chest pain, trouble breathing, wheezing, and fatigue. For the first time in quite a while, I feel as if I can go on. You picked me up when I was at my lowest, and I love you for it. 

Albuterol, I've never used an inhaler before, but you were new and surprising. A couple of puffs and within 15 minutes you began to relieve my difficulty breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. I wish everything in my life worked that quickly. My bronchi and I love you for all you do.

Codeine, I've heard that a relationship with you can become addictive, and I can begin to understand why. You dealt with my constant coughing and finally allowed me to get some sleep. My husband doesn't even care that we're involved, as he is also able to sleep when I'm not coughing all night. I know we can't be together forever, but I love you and promise not to operate heavy machinery. 

Loving you with all my heart (and lungs),


Read other Think ... Write ... Thursday! posts here, and sign up for Carole and Kat's great idea here.


  1. A few years ago, when I had bronchitis, I sang the praises of my Albuterol inhaler to all who would listen! So glad your trio is bringing you relief. (Better living through chemistry, as we say in our family.) XO

  2. Cute take on your illness. Pneumonia is no joke and I hope your loving meds continue to help you until you are 100% better.

  3. Okay - this is brilliant (not that you have pneumonia, but rather the letters to your medical assistants!) I hate to admit that I chuckled, but even ill your wit has not left you! Feel better soon XOXO

  4. I hope you continue to heal & feel better!

  5. Happy that you are getting some meds - here is to complete recovery!

  6. I am very sorry you are so sick! But yes, that trio should serve you well! My particular favorite, with whom I spend time once every 10 years or so is Codeine cough medicine. Surely you know there is a heaven when that stuff kicks in! Take it easy Bonny!

  7. So good to hear you're feeling better and didn't realize you had more than a cold. May your recover continue and your necessity for the love affair abate.

  8. Oh, I'm so glad that the meds are helping and that you're feeling better!! I hope you're fully recovered in no time!

  9. So happy, the pills are helping you out! Feel better and better every day!

    Linda in VA

  10. I am so glad that you are on the mend and feeling sooo much better. Truly, those three meds are worthy of a love letter and a heap of thanks! Continue to feel better " toute de suite!"

  11. I hope you are feeling better and better with each day. Modern medicine is a blessing!

  12. I'm glad you're feeling better ... and that "modern medicine" has been a help :-)


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